Saturday, September 15, 2007

Too Much Coffee

Is that possible?? I think I should have stopped at 3 cups...I had two this morning...2 big mugs at Bobs for lunch, and then 2 giant mugs this afternoon. TWEAK. I am fucking wired. Of course they each had artery clogging amounts of half-n-half.

So, I'm going down to Tennessee next week. Turns out that just over the mountain is a little town called Crabtree, NC. That is cool, given that Crabtree is my maiden name. Back when I was a young maiden...ha. Anyway, it is in the Blue Ridge in the Smokey Mountains just to the east of Cherokee land. I may have to pop over there just for a look around...that would also bring me very close to my Mom's family, too, and my current fav place to visit, Asheville, NC. I just love that area of the country.
Things I have found amusing lately:

Seth Green spoofs Chris Crocker's plea for Britney:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, I thought this was hilarious. I can't stand that Chris Crocker weirdo.