Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blah Blah Blah Blahgger!!!

Blah Blah Blah...Randomness Rulz..No not rules as in guidelines. It rulz as in it oversees, or whatever. Just read it. Oh, eeer, so you knew what I meant.

Speaking as the Vast Overlord-ess of my Blogger...

1. NBC can kiss my big, fat ass for provoking Apple to take episodes of The Office off of greedy bastards.
2. So, my interview with Dredsden Doll's Amanda Palmer will be in Issue #19 of OLOGY.
3. I may have an interview with Aaron Funk (aka Venetian Snars)...if he responds to my message again. I hope he does...he gives interesting responses to his interview, so I hope he is into it.
4. Recent belly dance moves have been KILLIN my left hip...but I have a class performance on the 9th. Solo. Oh, if you only had a camcorder...that would only put you in grave danger.
5. AGORA is coming up fast. Saturday, October 13th!
6. I am a little off track from my art ideas list because I have been involved in a lot of contests and challenges on DeviantArt. I have been emmersing myself in digital. I have embedded some of my better ones of late in this post. I am progressing in both digital and traditional. I think my digital work is getting better, and it is benefitting my traditional. I don't know if I will ever get to the level of my friend Senecal, as far as selling my digital work. I do plan to submit them in a calendar format for 2008.
7. Getting ready for a Halloween Bash. I decided to have it the weekend after. More of a Day of the Dead party, I guess.
8. Eight is always intentionally left blank because I forget what it is for. Consult the Violent Femmes.
9. I am feeling so goth right now (god, that sounds so fucking lame...I'm leaving it)...can't wait for dreary skies and coldness. I love the fall.
10. Read up on this chick (Erzsebet of Bothory)...she is who I will be at my Halloween party

Seven by *peggymintun on deviantART

Queen of Cups by *peggymintun on deviantART

My Brain on Vast by *peggymintun on deviantART

The World Through My Window by *peggymintun on deviantART


Anonymous said...

Peggah, why am I seeing boobies on your blog??

*giggles like a little kid*

LolaPeg said...

Hmmm...cause it's booby art.

Anonymous said...
