Saturday, November 10, 2007

Basura Blanco

I'm getting a tattoo.

So, today I was talking to one of my nephews, Chris. Well, he is a nephew-in-law...sort of. Anyway, he was telling me which tattoo artists are the best in town. I think I am going to try Kevin at Stained Skin. Or else some dude named Angelo. I think I have met both of them at one time or another. Anyway, I am going to do this by the time my birthday rolls around. Lower back. My own design.

Sí...basura blanco. Abrazo de mis raíces.

Note: I have to love Alta Vista. "Abrazo de mis raíces" started out as "Get in touch with my roots". The translation back is "Hug my roots". Love it.

PS...not that tattoos are total white depends on the tattoo. Oh yeah, and who it is on.


Remy said...

hmm...I'm thinking you should get a tat of the ilearning that would be cool! actually, check out this person: I found this business card in my pocket the other day. i have no clue how it got there - maybe it is a sign?? She is a tattoo artist...

LolaPeg said...

I'll check it out. Yeah, I will probably get one. Seems inevitable.