Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lost From You Series @ RoyGBiv Gallery

You can see this painting at the RoyGBiv Gallery beginning in December in the Small Works Show.

Lost From You

Artist Statement: "It is with great sadness and regret that I need to inform you that I have no idea who you are anymore. I could look in the marshy swamp, or the dark wood, but I have a feeling you are in an abyss that is unreachable. Perhaps I will know you again some day."

12" x 36" overall.
1 - Watercolor pigment, liquid acrylic, pen and gloss varnish on a fabric-like board on a black 1" frame.
2 - Watercolor pigment, liquid acrylic, pen and gloss varnish on a clayboard on a black .5" frame.
3 - Watercolor pigment, liquid acrylic, pen and gloss varnish on a gessoboard on a black .5" frame.
$400 for the set....I would prefer not to break it up.

You can see these works at the RoyGBiv Gallery located at 997 N. HIGH ST. COLUMBUS,OH 43201-2402.

For more information about RoyGBiv Gallery, visit them here.

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