Thursday, November 13, 2008

A New Calendar for 2009!

I just uploaded my new calendar for 2009. It is a selection of works from my Watercolor Experiments series. Most of these works will be shown in a show in March of 2009 at Image Optical Gallery in the Short North Gallery District here in Columbus, Ohio. I am excited to be able to exhibit the collection of works.

Personally, I know I have had a lot of artistic growth over the year, and I think the experiments show that growth. It definitely signifies my letting go and accepting fate, accepting the utter chaos that life brings, and then reeling it back into my realm of control. This decade has definitely tried to kick my ass, but I have made the best of life at every turn.

Hopefully the dA slideshow of the gallery wlll be available soon for non-beta testers and the public. It goes well with NIN, Ghosts, listening from IV to I.

The calendar is available for purchase here.

I will order a certain amount and have them available for purchase for $20.00. That way you can save on shipping. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to hand them out again this year.

I also plan to publish a portrait-oriented calendar with many of my old and new pen and ink sketches. It is for my friends who like to carry the thing around as a planner.


Remy said...

I want one!! Well worth $20 that is for sure. It "classes" up my cube at work!

LolaPeg said...

I aim to class up cubicals around the globe. ;)