Friday, January 1, 2010

What Was That?

A Decade in Review - Oh who gives a shit? I am having a hard time caring, so why should you?

Here is a list of accomplishments from Arty 2009:
Core Fitness Club (solo) - 12/09 - ?
J. Gumbo in Columbus (2 person) - 10/09 - 11/09
Autumn Joy - High Road Gallery, 11/09
C-Note - Junctionview - 09/09
OAL Sponsored Show at McGraw Hill (solo) 07-08/09
Abstract Show- No Right, No Wrong (Co-chair) - High Road Gallery - 06/09
**Second Place Award at No Right, No Wrong
WCE (solo) - Haiku - 06/09
Agora VI - 05/09
WCE (solo) - Image Optical - 03/09
MS Awareness (group) Upper Arlington Library - 03/09
Sunny Side Up (group) - High Road Gallery - 03/09
**2009 GCAC Potential for 2009 Business Parner Awards
Omnibucket Interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Omnibucket Interview with The Polish Ambassador.

Misses...I meant to publish the WCE book via Blurb. I also meant to work on more Omnibucket stuff and did not. And I meant to do more paintings. I won't go into detail as to why I missed these is not important at this point. All that matters is that my focus is back on now and I know what deserves my attention in my life, so look out for some awesome shit.

And here are my groovy arty goals for 2010:

WCE - 2008/2009 Review (yeah, still doing it)
The Horrid - sure, in my opinion, Zombiezville USA has damn near ruined the genre...can Omnibucket reclaim it as cool? I think we can.
Twenty10: Documentation For My Unauthorized Autobiography - That is fucking hilarious. And I am serious. It will have an Explicit warning, I promise you.
Issue 2 of Sublime Rush will feature me as one of the artists for issue.
And I intend on interviewing lots of notable peoples for Omnibucket and Sublime Rush. I won't name names at this juncture...let's just say I have me some plans a cookin' with gas.
Art Shows:
Union Cafe in Columbus - March 2009
Local Girl Gallery in Cleveland for an MS Event - March/April 2009
C-bus Ab-Ex at OAL - May 2009
Movie Stars My Mom Stalked (working title) - this will be a blog that I will start in a couple of weeks. My mom wrote over 50 movie stars in the 1940s and got their autographed photo. Nah, she did not stalk them...I just like to say she did. This will feature one of those 1940s era stars each week with extra cool stuff. - My site will be even more awesome than ever before.
4bstr4ct4rt Group - Trying to get that started again as a group. Thank goodness for Shawn Hansen, coming to my rescue on that interface.
Also, working on Art4Art Discussion Blog.

Oh shit, I better get busy.

Oh yeah...a personal goal...being healthier. I am using Daily Mugshot to track the changes in my mug. I'll add it once I have a couple months on it.

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