Friday, March 12, 2010

Gaia and Mother Earth and Awesome People

Well, I am totally high right now (On life, silly. That's right: Life Cereal.), so 'tis a great time to write in me blog. I had a good week, even though someone was missing from it...just for now though...

The painting above is called Gaia: Forgive My Weakness. It is about Mother Earth and her fragility. Although, would she be so fragile on her own?

I know some men who emphatically say that they are awesome. I often find that I think they are awesome, too. Although their lack of humility might tend to turn me off, since they are charming and talented, I tend to eventually agree with their self-assessment. Then I find myself telling them they are awesome, thereby perpetuating their self-myth...well, I guess it is not really a "self"-myth if others think it is true, but you know what I mean...their persona....What was I saying? Wait, where the fuck am I? ........

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