Saturday, March 20, 2010

Collaboration - Viva Mixed Tapes

Viva Mixed Tapes is the collaboraton that is most on my mind. I want to veer toward my other style and method of art making. I am excited about this one because I am working with my friend Iaian on it. He has mad skills and is self-taught, as well. He is a pop artist. So we have someone who admires Basquiat and Warhol, with someone who admires Warhol, but behaves like Pollock (not intentional). So, Viva Mixed Tapes came about when he was one his way home from the gallery late one night and he asked me what we would do without our iPods. Then we started talking about the love and thoughtfulness that goes into making a mixed tape for someone and how that is just long gone. Sure, I imagine people still burn a CD or two instead of sending a play-list, but those mixed tapes were hard to make, so they were always made with love. Viva Mixed Tapes! I am sure this collaboration will embody that kind of love and appreciation, as well.

Photo: iPhone with Shake It is a close-up of my Tessla lamp.

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