Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Scooby Snacks VS Velociraptors.

Scooby Snacks VS Velociraptors.

This is the rating system that I have chosen for my blog. Why? It is pure nonsense. I mean, not that I do not care what you have to say. I do. I have people weigh in on what I do every single day. Everybody is an expert when it comes to visual design. People have opinions. They know what they like. I am fine with that. Subjective. Objective. No matter. Bring it.

To me Velociraptors are not a good thing. They will gang up on you. They are cold and calculated. They want to eat you. It's true. Or, it would be true if some dumb ass geneticist decided to bring them back and found a way to do it. But, since it is a fantasy, you may find velociraptors to be kick ass. I completely understand. I want to have one on a T-shirt with the latest quip. Why not?

Scooby Snacks to me, are fantastic. I love them. They are what makes me happy. They may not make you happy, though. And that is okay. I think we can agree to disagree and still get along.

So, if you want to rate, just pick your favorite or least favorite item on the list. Scooby Snacks, or Velociraptors.

Artwork: This is called Jungle Lizard. It was the closest thing I had to a velociraptor. The original art is gone. I sent original work off to a postcard show near Chicago and never got it back. AND I did not even get into the show. Grrrr.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WIP - Viva Mixed Tapes

This is my part of a collaboration with my friend Iaian. It is called Viva Mixed Tapes... I think it'll be fucking rad. Just sayin'.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing trees, or woody plants shaped as trees, in containers. The purposes of bonsai are primarily contemplation (for the viewer) and the pleasant exercise of effort and ingenuity (for the grower). It is taking something that, if left to its own devices, may grow into a rather large thing. But this is a controlled and manipulated version of a tree. I can draw parallels to a lot of things here, but I really just wanted to show these photographs I shot one morning last year at FPC.
The originals were full-color, but I found a lot more beauty in them with the shapes and the contrast when I desaturated the photos.

Sublime Rush - Issue 003

Check out the latest issue of Sublime Rush to see interviews with Iaian Greenson and Dave Senecal and much, much more.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

So Sad

I loved this man's voice! He was awesome.

Peter Steele of Type O Negative is dead at 48!! This makes me so fucking sad.

My favorite TON album is October Rust.
'October Rust' Track 15 (Spoken Word Outro) - "Well, that's about it. I hope it wasn't too disappointing."

I hope it wasn't for you, too, Peter Steele.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Photo OP

I was over at FPC last weekend...got many good shots to translate to wide format.