Friday, June 6, 2008

Top Five Things From This Week...NO...Six!

Monday: Jared is recruiting everyone from my work for his company.

Tuesday: Spent a good part of the day in Riverside's emergency room because I thought I was having a heart attack...was just panic.

Wednesday: I painted two paintings on this day. I also had my last PT session for my neck.

Thursday: Had a great morning. Dave wants to resurrect The 614 Art Collective with him and I, James, Tom and Tim. Cool. We will probably produce a monthly news letter and do quarterly gallery shows. I hope this happens because I think it'll rock.

Friday: Soooooo, my husband wants me to find a new job. He is completely livid that I work so many hours. He has accused me of having an affair. Also, Dr. Mavian, my rockin' neurosurgeon, has convinced me to let him slice me open and put a cadaver bone in me! .05% zombie I will be. Schaweeeeeeeeeet.

Saturday: Won a Daily Deviation "award" for The Devil's Breath on deviantArt!


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